Root Beer Float Party

We made our goal of earning $1,500 in Box Tops, and so the PTO rewarded the whole school with root beer floats! So yummy!

We have another goal of $1,500 by the end of February, so keep collecting your box tops!

1 comment

Leslie said...

Hi Ms. Van Orman!

I stumbled across your blog recently and I've been so inspired! I teach first grade in Alabama... way down south in Dixie!

I just wanted to say I am OCD about box tops! Strange, I know. It all started when my school was recently recognized for being one of the top collecting schools in our region (I guess). As a result, I thoroughly enjoy collecting those little buggers! :)

Incidentally, the box top money I make stays in my own classroom. Given that we've not received our usual $500 in state allocations in the last two years, this money comes in quite handy.

Enjoy your summer! Leslie